Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Long Saturday in Mendon town...

Whew... It has been a busy day...
ITEM ONE... Terri looks out the window and what did she see???

  • Popcorn popping on the apricot tree?

  • No... we don't have an apricot tree!!!

  • A rainbow with a pot of gold at the end??

  • No... we plain ain't that lucky!!!

  • A spring snow storm???

  • Well... you are getting warmer (or should I say colder?) but what else was she seeing?
Why... there is something strange out in the garden spot!!!
Good night... it's a big black 4 legged beast...
No... a beast wouldn't be that stupid to sit out there in a snowstorm...

Unbelievable!!! She had to take a picture... and this is what she saw...

Eric is... looking for night crawlers??? No...

Digging a premature grave???

No... it ain't dead yet.

What is he doing???

Is he out of his mind???

Quick came the reply...

"I'm planting my peas and my radishes and my green onions and my spinach and my lettuce and my Walla Walla onions... What the hell does it look like I am doing???"

Personally, me things that the lad is a little bit nuts... must have spring fever!!!

Anyway, he got the early
veggies in the ground and it
looked like winter was
starting over again...

Later in the day, the snow all melted and the crazy fool went down and planted Junie's early veggies too...
The gods must be crazy... Eric is!!! Certifiable!!!

After several weeks of worry warts and late phone calls we FINALLY got Gramma June's taxes done... Ah yes... there is a God!!! I [Eric] thought she was going to drive us up a wall!!! She hasn't had to file taxes for several years because she is so blasted old, but one of her "friends" told her that she had to hurry up and get it done so she can collect a check from Uncle Sam for the "stimulus package" that is being advertized nowadays. She was blown away by the Turbo Tax software and could figure out how she could e-file with out a signature or even a fingerprint... We told her that it was done by collecting a fee and sending it in... She still is wondering what is going on... Anyway, she ended up getting $600 after all the craziness...

After the tax monster was chased away, Mom pulled out a picture frame and showed us a really cool thing. If you didn't already know, June was named "Angel of the Month" for March for her volunteer work at the Sunshine Terrace, which is the rest home that Dad is currently residing. Somebody at the Terrace made her a cross stich of an "Angel of the Garden" and it was absolutely beautiful... Don't you think so. She was very moved by the whole deal and was very thrilled by it all and so I took a picture of it and shared it with you all.


Today was also a Dance competition for Katie and Erin at Utah State University. There are tons of dancers in an all day competition and Terri videoed their dances so I could see them... I was in the cabinet shop getting some much need projects worked on... So as I come to a close with the blog for tonite, may I just leave you with the dances performed by both Erin and Katie at the Utah Dance Fest held in the Spectrum at USU... They are performing in Salt Lake City at the Energy Solutions Center (formerly the Delta Center) in a even bigger competion next Saturday, April 5th... Get you tickets now... We are certainly proud of them both.

Good Night and Sweet Dreams!!!


Mommason Hillary said...

OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!! I don't know which is more beautiful! My nieces talented dancing artwork or the bear in the garden planting in the snow! OH - I'm gonna love your blog! Oh - and the cute grandma sandwiched in the middle is a keeper too! The dances were wonderful to watch!!!! Helga loves ya.

Bethany said...

I like the new picture at the top!