Sunday, June 15, 2008

We Love Our Dad

We are so lucky in the Bowen family, to have a wonderful Husband and Father at our head. He works so hard for us to have the life we enjoy and we want to take just a few lines to say thank you and we love you. Thank you for building us a beautiful house to live in. Thank you for showing us how to work hard. Thank you for supporting all of our activities and telling us you love us. Thank you for putting up with and supporting all your wifes crazy projects. Thank you for your soft heart and strong testimony of the Gospel. Thank you for putting your arms around us and giving us "scratchy face kisses." We hope you had a good Father's day and we love you, no matter what anybody else says.


Betsy B said...

Happy Father's Day Papa! She forgot to mention that you taught us everything we know about spitting sunflower seeds. Thanks for everything Dad!

Mandy | Baking with Blondie said...

darn those scratchy face kisses!!!

Betsy B said...

Is it just me or does it look like you have an arrow coming out of your head. It's okay, I still love you.